To access the Desktop Version of WhatsApp, tap on 3-dots menu icon and then tap on Desktop Site option in the drop-down menu. This will refresh the page and you will be redirected to, where you will see a QR Code on the screen of your Android Tablet. 5. Now, open WhatsApp on your Android Phone, tap on 3-dots Menu icon
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WhatsApp的默认设置是,您收到的照片和视频会自动保存到相机胶卷中。 要禁用此功能: 打开WhatsApp,转到 设置,点击 在线客服, 旁边的 保存到相机胶卷,滑动以关闭。 如果出现提示,请点击 DONE 或点击 OK. 组隐私设置在WhatsApp Web或桌面上不
Connection problems - If you can't connect to WhatsApp, this is usually caused by a problem with your Internet connection or your phone's settings.